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*Open to an interrogation room with James looking extremely nervous and tapping his foot, with a detective standing across table*



Detective: “James, buddy, I am trying to make this easy for you.”  



*shot of James silent and nervously looking down*



Detective: “You just have to talk to me. Tell me about the peach.”



*Long pause of James still being silent*



*the detective sits down at the table*



Detective: “Maybe this will help you find the words, James.” 



*turns computer around with security footage of him sprinkling Miracle Gro on peach”



*Detective hits space bar to pause video and looks over to James*



*James looks shocked and nervous. Sticks his hands out quickly with his head down to be cuffed and starts scream crying* (admitting fault).



James: "Just take me away, it was me! It was me!"



Cut to end card.



"It's not magic.™"

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